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Subatomic particles or fundamental particles are electron proton and neutron 
Discovery Of Electron ( study of cathode rays)

The particles move from the negative electrode ( cathode ) to positive electrode ( anode ) the particle were called cathode ray because they are emitted from negative electrode ( cathode )
Properties Of Cathode Ray

  • Cathode ray always travel in straight line
  • Cathode ray rotate a light weight FAN in their path this shows cathode rays of particle nature which possess mass and kinetic energy

  • In electric field cathode rays are deflected towards positive electrode this shows cathode rays are negatively charged particles electrons

  • Cathode ray cause the  ionization of the gas 
  • It Produces fluorescence  ( when it strikes to photographic plate )
  • Cathode rays pass through the thin foil  
  • Charge and mass of the electrons
  • mass of electron is 1 /1837 of the mass of one hydrogen atoms (9.109 * 10-31KG)
  • Charge on e1.602 * 10-19 C (coulomb)

Discovery Of Proton

properties of positive rays ( Canal rays ) 
  • they travel in straight line
  • they have particle nature
  • they produce fluorescence
  • they ionises the gas and
  • In electric field Canal rays are deflected towards cathode because Canal rays are positively charged particles
  • Canal rays obtained from hydrogen gas only contains protons
  • e/m or  electron mass ratio value of canal rays is lower in comparison to e/m value of cathode rays
  • charge of proton = 1.602 * 10-19 C (coulomb)
  • mass of proton = 1.672 * 10-27 KG

Discovery Of Neutron 
  • it was discovered by chadwick


  • Neutron are the neutral particle having no charge
  • They are not deflected when we apply electric field
  • Mass of neutron : 1.675 * 10-24 KG

Atomic Model 
JJ Thomson model of atom
he proposed that an atom posses a spherical shape ( radius 10-10m ) in which the positive charge is uniformly distributed like red edible part of watermelon and the electrons are embedded into it in such a manner as to give the most stable electronic arrangement this model is also known as plum pudding model or raisen pudding  model or watermelon model

Rutherford Nuclear Model Of An Atom

The result of scattering experiment are

  • Most of the Alpha particle pass through the gold foil undeflected
  • A small fraction of the Alpha particle was deflected by small angles
  • A very few Alpha particles are reflected back to their original path i.e, deflected by 180

  • Nucleus is positively charged and is present at the centre of atom
  • Nucleus is hard, dense and rigid
  • The radius of nucleus is of the order of 10-15 m
  • The radius of atom is of the order of 10-10m
  • Since most of the Alpha particle pass through the thin gold foil without any deflection this shows that there is large empty space around the atom nucleus

Atomic Number And Mass Number 
Atomic Number 
  • It is represented by Z  
  • Z is equal to number of protons in the nucleus of an atom or number of electrons in the neutral atom
Mass Number 
  • It is represented by A
  • A  is equals to number of protons + number of neutrons
Z = number of electron is equals to number of protons = 8 
A =number of electrons protons + number of neutron (n) = 16
16 =  8 + n
N = 16 - 8
n = 8 ( number of neutrons )
the atom having same atomic number but different atomic masses are called isotopes
protium (1H1), deuterium  (1H2), tritium  (1H3)
The atom  having same mass number but different atomic numbers are called isobars
6H14  ,  7H14
Drawbacks Of Rutherford Model 
when a body is moving in in an orbit it undergoes acceleration ( even if the body is moving with a constant speed in an orbit it must accelerate because of changing direction ) according to the electromagnetic theory ofMaxwell charged particles when accelerated should emit electromagnetic radiation. Therefore an electron in an Orbit will emit  radiation the orbit will thus continue to shrink and it takes 10-8 seconds to spiral into the nucleus
 Rutherford Model was unable to explain this concept that electron are revolve In A nucleus at the fix path  known as orbits this theory is explained by Bohr's

Bohr's Model Of Atom 
Neils Bohr: He improve the Rutherford Model of atom mainly he discovered two things
  • Dual character of the electromagnetic radiation that is wave nature and particle nature
  • Experimental results regarding atomic spectra which can be explained only by assuming quantized electronic energy levels in atom
Wave Nature Of Electromagnetic Radiation 

Electromagnetic Radiation 
When electrically charged particles moves under acceleration alternating electrical and magnetic fields are produced and transmitted these fields  transmitted in the form of wave known as electromagnetic wave radiation

  • energy is emitted continuously in the form of radiation waves when electric current is passed through a filament of a bulb bulb
  • the radiation possess wave nature and its velocity is 3 * 10-8 m/s ( speed of light ) the radiation is known as electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic waves
  • it does not require any material medium ( travel in vacuum )
it is the linear distance travelled by the wave in one second

Wave Number
it is defined as the number of wave per unit length

Relation Between Speed Of Light,Frequrncy And Wavelength

Black Body Radiation 
the ideal body which emits and absorb radiations of all frequencies is called a black body and radiation emitted by such a body is called a black body radiation
Quantum (as a whole or number in fractions)
This word is coined by planck’s which represent the smallest quantity of energy that can be emitted or absorbed in the form of electromagnetic radiation
E = h*f
E= h*v(nu)
where :-
E= energy of quantum of radiation
f =  frequency
h = planck’s constant (6.62 * 10-34JS)
Photoelectric Effect 
it is the phenomena of ejection of electrons from the metal surface when a light of suitable frequency strike the metal surface. Electrons are ejected from metal surface are called photoelectrons and the phenomenon is known as photoelectric effect.

  1. there is no time lag
  2. electronic ejection is directly proportional to brightness
  3. v>v0
Threshold Energy 
Threshold energy is the minimum frequency above which Photoelectric effect takes place
(frequency at which photoelectric effect occur )v > v(threshold frequency)
Explanation Of Photoelectric Effect 
It was explained by Einstein on the basis of quantum theory(when a photon strikes a metal surface it transfer its energy instantaneously to the electron during the collision and the electron is ejected without delay)
Work Function 
some of the energy of photon is used up in ejecting the electron and the remaining energy is taken up by the electron in the form of kinetic energy

( Mathematically )
 energy of striking Photon = work function + kinetic energy emitted by electron e-

 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

  • It states that it is impossible to determine simultaneously the exact position at exact Momentum or (velocity) of an electron
  • The effect of Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is significant only for motion of microscopic object and is negligible for the macroscopic object
Quantum numbers

Mainly there are four types of quantum numbers
  1. Principal Quantum Number ( n )
  2. azimuthal quantum number ( l )
  3. magnetic quantum number ( m )
  4. spin quantum number ( s )
To describe electrons in an atom indifferent orbital we use Quantum numbers

Principal Quantum Number
Principal Quantum Number guess the average distance of the electron from the nucleus and the energy associated with it
for example

Azimuthal Quantum Number ( l )
  • It determines angular momentum of the electron
  • the value of l give the subshell or sublevel
  • it can have positive integer value from 0 to n -1 Where n is the principal quantum number

Magnetic Quantum Number
  • The spatial orientation of the orbital with respect to standard set of co-ordinate Axes
  • In influence of external magnetic field the electron in a given subshell Orient themselves in certain preferred regions of space around the nucleus these are called orbitals

Spin Quantum Number
  • The quantum number describe the screen orientation of the electron which is either plus half(+1/2) or minus half (-½)
  • any orbital can have only two electrons



Pauli Exclusion Principle
  • Only two electron exist in the same orbital and these electron must have opposite spin
  • The maximum number of electron in the shell with principal quantum number n = 2n2
Hund's Rule Of Maximum Multiplicity
  • Pairing of electron in the orbital belonging to the same subshell p,d,f does not take place until each orbital belonging to that subshell has got one electron each i.e,  it is singly occupied

Note:- half filled and fully filled orbitals are more stable due to symmetry

Dobereiner’s Triads 
In a triad the atomic weight of middle element is always equals to Arithmetic mean of other two

The law of triads recognise the relationship between the atomic weight and properties of element
Not every element could be grouped in the triads
Newlands Law Of Octaves 
If elements are arranged in increasing order of their atomic weight like the Octave so that 8 element shows similar properties like first element.

  • atomic weight are made the basis of classification
  • periodicity of properties was recognised first time
the law of Octave failed because it does not shows the existence of transition elements
Mendeleev’s Periodic Law 
The physical and chemical properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic weight

correction of atomic weight are marked and undiscovered elements are predicted
  • Mendeleev could not assign a correct position to hydrogen in the periodic table as hydrogen resembles alkali metals as well as halogens.
  • It was observed that at certain places, an element of higher atomic mass Cobalt (Co=58.93) has been placed before an element of lower atomic mass Nickel (Ni = 58.71). 
  • the position of rare Earth metals elements and isotopes are ambiguous
  • Some elements placed in the same sub - group varies in their properties. Manganese is placed with halogens which totally differ in the properties 
  • the periodic table did not reflect the electronic configuration
Why Mendeleev's left some gaps in his periodic table 
Because at that time existence of some element has not been discovered mendellev  named them by prefixing Sanskrit numeral.
Modern Periodic Law 
The physical and chemical properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic number.

It is the most appropriate classification till date
the position of hydrogen is still unknown

  1.  Atomic Size 

Number of cell remains same but electron goes on increasing to keep element  near the nucleus atomic size shrink
as we go top to bottom number of cell keep on increasing  which results into increasing atomic size of atom
(2) Metallic And Nonmetallic Character 
metallic character decreases and non metallic character increases
Effective nuclear charge acting on the valence shell electrons increases across a period the tendency to lose electrons will decreases
the outermost electron are further away from the nucleus therefore they can be lost easily
  • Metals are electronpostive in nature.
  • They are formed by loss of electron.
  • Non metals are electronegative in nature
  • They are formed by gain of electron.
Valence Electron 
Electron present in outermost shell are known as valence electron
it is the combining capacity of an atom with other atom

carbon has a valency so it combined with other four atom with itself or other atom


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